Friday, May 6, 2011

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La Soledad

Loneliness is a theme that is present to us many times in life, not everyone felt the same way, it affects us all differently.
There is loneliness, work, friends, empty nest, places of belonging and so on., And the important thing is whether this makes us feel lonely or be alone. They are two totally different things.
Some people indulge in the solitude and some people enjoy them. In the first case, when left to share experiences, emotions and dealing with others and things are immersed in an isolated world of reality, refusing to aid the company, to dialogue and are closing in this vicious circle where only feel anguish, despair, deprivation, lack of interest in life itself, and a dasamor up itself.
For those who enjoy solitude, looks and feels like something you can live with a great individual independence and high self-esteem are good about themselves, are active, always have something to do for fun, to learn, teach, and while they are alone, this does not affect you to share your life, relationships, be provided, dialogue, continue to develop as an individual, and so on. generating an exchange of affection, experiences, feelings and attitudes, which are enough to feel good and make others feel good.
Many people do not understand the latter, and it is normal to worry about whether that person feels well. While from the outset we did not choose to be alone because usually happens by some unexpected event, we can say that is our decision and continue to drive this loneliness .... but ... there's always a but, unfortunately, is very sad person who feels alone, because it is alone, those who have entered the third edad y no tienen a nadie, y han perdido en el camino muchas cosas, incluso las ganas de vivir.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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Que es la gratitud? esa emoción positiva que experimentamos cuando recibimos algo y que nos produce mucho bienestar,  tanto al que da como al que recibe, es una manera de agradar y sentir beneplácito por lo que se dió o recibió.
Es afianzar y fortalecer lazos con otras personas, porque reconoce y valora la acción de otros.
Se debe ser agradecido en la vida, porque más allá de lo que cada uno pueda obtener, está lo que el otro nos da y lo que life has to offer. In the most simple, everyday actions can see the gratitude of a person.
I do not know how many times I repeat through the day, and sometimes I hear what I say.
Every minute, every day, every year there is something to thank and we will be giving us a new opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate most everything around us and so feel more optimistic. In my case there is much that I have to thank and I've tried to summarize, although much remains in the ink:

appreciate the miracle of life, skills and tools and free to be happy I gave the Supreme.
every day I thank lived every day to live, but especially today, my present.
appreciate the bounties of nature, which nourish me in countless ways.
want to thank people, which bind me with various links : wife, mother, friend, neighbor, known, that enriched and enrich my life, recognition, love and values \u200b\u200band that each day I given the opportunity to be myself, giving me strength, love and companionship.
appreciate everything that life gives me with my hits and misses me all the way here and be who I am.
agradeze the greatest gift he gave me life, being a mother.
agradesco And above all the opportunity to breathe, laugh, mourn, think, feel, love, act, dream, enjoy, give and take and feel alive, alive as you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

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We must learn Gratitude - Part 2

As promised, here is the second part of "We Learn"

17 .- What if you want a lot of people, some people do not return my that love.
18 .- That I should not compete against the best in others, but to compete with the best of me.
19 .- I can do something on impulse and regret the rest of my life.
20 .- The passion of a feeling disappears quickly.
21 .- What if I do not control my attitude, it control me.
22 .- You must not ever tell a child her dreams are ridiculous, what if you believe me?
23 .- That we should never judge the children by their parents' mistakes as we made when we were young.
24 .- What is more important that I forgive myself for others to forgive me.
25 .- It does not matter if my heart is wounded, the world keeps turning.
26 .- That violence brings more violence.
27 .- That attracts more critical discussion and can get to the confusion.
28 .- What to say a half truth is worse than a lie.
29 .- That the people who criticize others also criticize me when you get a chance.
30 .- That there is much difference between perfection and excellence.
31 .- Let the politicians talk about the same in all languages.
32.-That at the end of life, I realize that the only things worth valieronla are: my family, my faith, a very select group of friends and unasexperiencias they gave me personal growth.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sweden-an example to follow ... Today I am cholula

takes on its back the title of Princess Royal -will be the only rules in Europe by direct descent, and the Duchess of Västergötland. Has been subjected to harsh discipline of learning to be the best ambassador of his country and serve to Sweden from its sovereign role. And despite all liability as destiny awaits you, never loses the smile.
When Victoria was born, was expected to coveted male would be the heir to the crown prince, but when her mother announced that more children could not be made quickly to abolish the Salic Law which forbids women to be heir to the throne.
But two years her mother is born resistance to clogging and his brother, Prince Carl Philip.

Then, the King announced that the man will be his heir and éstetiene rights that nobody can ignore. Seniega Swedish Parliament to reconsider its decision and feminist movements pressuring the country's Parliament and Victoria Ingrid Alice becomes, according to the inheritance law of 1980, Crown Princess Sweden. Unpaís industrialized and rich with 90,000 lakes, idyllic landscapes, largascostas, vast forests, parks and hills. A peaceful country, with unaltísimo living and concern for the environment.

many countries should act like Sweden, allowing and recognizing that a woman need not walk behind or later that man, just at par and to enable him as a person he is.