Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Have To Help My Year Old Daughter Bath

Day Valeria Lynch World Autism Awareness Part 2

many times have we heard, usually at birthday parties for kids expressions like this ... poor guy is autistic and lives her world, what a shame, a disgrace, to load ... . please! as one may say so?, said by mothers!, which means a child. I want to thank our friend Grace by that big heart that has to support and promote all that is related to children of different abilities. I have known for her blog about this and other mothers of children with autism, severity, treatments and outcomes of those step by step little sun that day by day they are connecting with the world. The following words I took the Blog Always a Marine smile, which will see in the video with his family.
And do not stop reading this post posted by Graciela, where a mother expresses beautifully what it means to a child to a mother. Click here.

"I wish this April 2 sedifunda about autism, it is known that there are degrees deseveridad, different types of treatments. I would love todossupieran warning signs that doctors always listen to the parents, there are no difficulties to receive the help they need nuestroshijos. If I could, there would not trabasburocróticas that do nothing that does not respect the rights of laspersonas or the people themselves: social works acubrir refuse treatment, schools that are saved the right of admission yescuelas Public not ready.

also Gentenaar would be scared that when we talk about autism to know that nuestroshijos are people with a lot of features are not autistic, autism, period. Is a video of our beautiful family, full of smiles, because that choose to live, with great joy and Sinmiedo. "

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pokemon Silver Anti Freeze

More Making off

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free Beautiful Agony Vidios


Here goes my second part of inquisitive, of course, answer the questions they want, a way to know a little more.

Sweet or salty?
As is usually your mood?
When fetching something, which is what you dislike is not in place?
What is your favorite food?
And your favorite color?
When you gather with friends, you like outside your house or your house.?
If someone lets you down, you keep attending?
That you unworthy of the people?
People give them a second chance?
of all, trust or distrust?

Request For Separation Of Telephne Line

already have the first pictures of the making off.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Is The Import Tax On A Boat

The power of a hug

experts say that physical contact through the embrace is necessary in human life, this quiet, gives you security, protection, united, relaxed, free, contains you. Hugging or being hugged produces a unique and special feeling of affection, love, warmth and often comfort a thousand words.
In my particular case I need to hug and embrace me if ciurcunstancias occurs, the energy that is intertwined in an embrace is incredible. There were many hugs I received but many more were the ones who say, embraced with joy and euphoria, because the emotion I was able for the sorrows of the blows of life, for your achievements and mine, for meetings and farewells, and celebration and mourning because I love you and I want because I forgive and I forgive you and so much more.
is no secret that I like the connection with nature, hug a tree is an experience, do it and then tell me, there is a power connection between living beings to be experienced, when we embrace our pets feel that connection, they too like and it is proved that the contact and the embrace with pets as therapy for people working in solitude as it generates much love and feelings of being together and loved.
There are people who do not like to hug or embrace that, be like?, But there is always a moment in life that need to receive or give a hug and a time will not know how to ask or give. Embrace and let
embrace and feel that in part sustain your life.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Desert Eagle Soar For Sale Mexico

Hands In Lanzarote!

Napol, otes, Lalone, Mango and Children perdi2 corp, with Mr Chapu, winner of the First Edition Contest Grafit Aquapark Lanzarote

in Lanzarote are now finalists in the second edition of Aquapark Lanzarote graffiti contest! From Monday March 28 will begin to realize his sketches, we can better understand their ideas, and enjoy the process in this blog. On April 1 and will know the winner. Good luck, and above all enjoy these days on the island.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Does Babies Get Phlegm?

El Abuelo

Sigocon all my arrangements, I have lost everything stored in the closet and meencontré with many pictures from when my kids were small. With miesposo always lived in an apartment in downtown area and they needed our guys Once there fillies, playing outside that we were taking them to librey grandfather's house, where stuck primosvivían home. Grandpa enjoyed the patio, with fifth and fruit garden and tiled patio that great under enverano booths. In the evenings went outside to play ball, to lasescondidas, riding bikes in the summer enjoying the piletaque had their cousins \u200b\u200band so grew up together. Yque
I can say about my father, grandfather, was the happiest person to see their grandchildren worldfor play, healthy and happy, was a man deinfinita kindness, respectful, polite, never disrespect you.
summer Recuerdocuando out walking very early in the morning, I recorríamás of 25 blocks to his house and he looked me mate on the patio under a large almond tree and under a large plant and debajopasaba mandarins of his vine, drink mate there and talk. Cualquieracontecimiento family, there were all in the house of his grandfather.
Quecomplicado was at snack time to feed many mouths, but two girls, all are men, but the grandfather managed, elcocinaba as the gods and nothing would do anything and rich.
Hacíaunas pancakes with flour, milk, fat or butter and salt, and baked estirabafinitas on the plate of steak and belly dábamostodos us to mate. And they did something very funny, but that loschicos loved, made of potato and egg tortilla, unaporción gave to each of two slices of bread, was a sandwich detortilla, as they liked!, And well enough for all . Comodisfrutábamos products of his farm, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, parsley and fresh oregano, cherries, onions, tomatoes, zucchini ... had everything and gave Laplante amount of almonds!.
Fueronaños happy, a person who appreciated a lot and that my hijossiempre remember, because the "grandfather pancakes" haciendohasta today are still in my childhood home and so happy that my boys, and as part fuécon grandfather.

Today in my blog Maverick's Kitchen, a recipe of "Grandpa's pancakes" and different ways to fill them.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Masterbate With Shower Cream

The children really move? Fall Welcome

That stirred and few things to accommodate, throw, exchange, paint, recycle and move when our children are not with us because I do not know if it has happened to some of you, they go to their new roof and take the just and necessary, being all the rest pipi cucu "I leave."
You are alone, with a department that size is extra, but is full of things like if you lived with 10 people, and they are? .. Things from them.

summer clothes ... I leave, I take the fall ... I leave the bike ... I do not get all the coats because I do not go into the closet ..... I leave the books because I have no where to put .... I do not know where to put the bowl I leave you too .... CDs are many took me half .... I take the padding, rugs I leave you, ahhh the notes of the race the tires I serve my brother .. wonder ... they are going to take? .. noooo lets them here because they do not have room in your apartment.

Each piece of furniture that I have must have a minimum corner with something of mine, the rest is all of them. Putting myself
bad threatened to take a big bag of waste, fill it out and leave it in the street to take it away, nooooooooo, I said do not do that on Sunday, come and tell you that you can pull.
I'm still waiting, you see them?
But hey, do not grumble really, all we have done same, plus everything you encounter them reminds me all those years and wonderful times we shared together, so I decided to make many arrangements, but his stuff will stay there and come to look each time they need it.
They have their home, but know this, mine, also remains of them, come and go and I have the good fortune to be followed, no day or time set, free as the wind, without conditions, without programming. They are the telephone or communicate via the internet, they are the ones I visit and stay to sleep or eat or go out together, they come to me when they want, they know that mom preferred.
Live and let live and they will thank you forever.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Welcome Fall!, As I missed you ..
phone I missed the midday sun, caressing and does not hurt.
miss those cool evenings requiring shelter.
I missed those mornings dew-wet grass smell.
I missed your smell and your infinite colors.
I missed you meddle with me and take me go colorful landscapes.
I missed your carpet of leaves under my feet.
I missed your short days and those long nights of comfortable sleep.
Fall, wrap me up in your freshness and your warmth,
in your scents and colors in your leaves and your winds.
in your peace and your sadness.
Hold me, you reborn.

Happy Spring! my friends in the Northern Hemisphere

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Riker Island Schedule For January


The distance can cause nostalgia but never forgotten.
In a positive way I learned that no matter what happens, or the meanness that seems today, life goes on and tomorrow will be better.
learned that no matter what kind of relationship you have with your parents, you will feel his absence when they are not.
learned to know "make a living" is not the same as "knowing how to live."
learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
learned that life is not just receive, is also given.
learned that if you look for happiness, I get excited.
But if you focus on family, friends, the needs of others, at work and trying to do the best, happiness will find you.
learned that whenever I decide something with the heart open, usually correctly.
learned that when I feel pain, I need not be a pain to others.
day I learned that I need to reach out and touch someone. People
like a human touch, feel a helping hand, receiving a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but never forget how you tried.
learned that I have a lot to learn.

Visit my new blog Maverick's Kitchen.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wedding Car Decoration 2010

Earth Hour

you know how wonderful it would be to rest for an hour to our planet?

An hour of your life, give you many hours of life on the planet.

Earth Hour or The Earth Hour is an international event promoted by the Worldwide Fund for Nature held the last Saturday of March each year (This year is 26 March) and that is a apagónvoluntario, homes and businesses are asked to turn off lights and electrical otrosaparatos for one hour. This event pretendeconcienciar society about the need for action frenteal anthropogenic climate change and emissions and save energy and reduce light pollution
not forget: at 20:30 on Saturday, March 26, 2011 . My country, Argentina will be the 4th. year involved. Want to help for the good of our planet?, This is the opportunity, I know star in the care of the environment, we ask for an hour of your life. Check with your country which is the corresponding time.
do not stop please!
web data

Visit my new blog, Maverick's Kitchen , today Breaded Soy and Bananas to Wine

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sore Throat With Swollen Tongue And Gums

A map and a magnifying glass

going to be angry with me.
Because I will not fill your backpack with all those things that will make easier the path and life.
not think I'm good, I lack generosity.
'll just give you a handful of principles, a map and a magnifying glass. It seems little to address the longer cruises.
But I trust your compass, your north, your heart and what we share.
why I encourage you.
I give you a blank map. All done.
Just some signals. Some limits to be respected.
going to squeeze it more than once. And once you go to rescue him, when it's done a bagel, to re-consult.
This map will guide you to make you, the way you choose, a person happy in this complicated world.
In a world that will try to confuse and test yourself permanently.
Then you have to know what things define you, and what not.
Do not define the brand of jeans or cell unteléfono. Do not define the model of car you drive or where you live laccase. Do not define any of the toys that puedasconquistar. These toys that, like a child, perderástodo interest once you have achieved.
not the opinions of others define you. Not that they intend to seek adularteni devastarte. Both are igualmentepeligrosas.
not define you follow the steps of the majority so as not to clash.
What defines you is that really you are. That shining inside you even though you're not always able to tell. Atout happens to us occasionally, are the perks of this business of living . You will go
drawing your map accordingly, as you progress. And this progress will sometimes be safe, sometimes uncertain.
And I give you my magnifying glass.
That with which I walk through life maximizing the details. The one meayuda to find beauty in the tiny, everyday. And it has under laextraña highlight the positive side.
You're going to get angry when you discover that many times I sent to fetch it knew where she was. Just because it was necessary lohicieras for yourself.
sorry for the inconvenience but are necessary.'re Growing.
Sometimes stones are going to weigh yourself as things that teenseñé. You'll find it there is no place for them in your backpack. HOWEVER, there will be, putting furious.
I love you too much to avoid it, to make you easy.
why you are angry with me.
And now, I know, that anger is the only indication that I'm doing things right.
Thanks Paola Maria Vicencio

Today Maverick's Kitchen homemade dulce de leche and Everyday Cook.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Heather Brook Husband

Finalists! Extended deadline

AREA 1: Eduardo Luque, LALONE

AREA 2: José Manuel Franco,


AREA 3: Juan José Ortiz, Napola

AREA 4: Manuel Lopez, MANGO


Meeting on jury José Manuel Rodriguez Trigueros as winner of the First Edition of graffiti contest Aquapark 2010, María Begoña Expósito Cordero as a representative of Park Balear SL, Elisa Delgado Betancourt, as a visual artist, and Ruben Acosta Morales as an artist, remember to select the five finalists for each of the areas designated in the annexes to this call.

AREA 1: Eduardo Luque Doors, alias LALONE, from Málaga

AREA 2: José Manuel Franco Gonzalez, alias OTES, from Córdoba

AREA 3: Juan José Ortiz Zahonero, alias Naples, from Valencia

SPACE 4: Manuel López González, alias HANDLE, Lanzarote from

AREA 5: Pablo Silva Fernandez, alias PERDI2 CORP CHILDREN., from Vigo

These finalists will perform the murals and to participate in the contest. This participation will occur in the facilities Aquapark Lanzarote Water Park, between 15th and 30th of March. The result of the winner, awarded € 2,000 will be announced during the opening ceremony of the water park on April 1, 2011. The remaining finalists will receive a prize of 150 € each.