Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bus From Panjim To Udupi

Graffiti Contest Rules Second Edition 2011

1 .- Participation in the Graffiti Contest II Aquapark Lanzarote 2011 any person who wishes and shows a proper level of artistry in the field of graffiti, except the winner of the previous edition. 2 .-

sketches will be presented under water issues in all its forms, for the 5 available spaces specified in Annex (size shapes and sizes). It will assess the possibility of adapting these designs to one or more spaces. Each applicant can participate with at least one design for each space, to a maximum of 5, one for each space.

3 .- The sketches will be emailed before 24:00 pm on February 17, 2011 to the following address grafitiaquapark@gmail.com and with the following characteristics:
• JPG format, no larger than 1 meg, and the longest side not less than 1500 pixels. Through the file name indicating the wall where the sketch is intended under the same number of spaces in which each is defined in the APPENDIX. In the case of a design suitable for various spaces such as file name include the word number + space number. (Examples: espacio1.jpg / Various 1-2-5.jpg)
• Along with the sketches submitted should send contact information Artist: full name, stage name, mailing address, telephone number and scanned image the DNI. Affidavit signed by the author that the work is original and unpublished and has not been awarded previously.
• List of colors required for execution of the mural to a maximum of 60 boats. 4 .-

screening will be done with criteria of artistic quality, originality and adaptability of work among the participating artists. 5 will be selected from works submitted for execution. Be reserved at least one place for residents of the island of Lanzarote. On February 25 the decision shall be notified of the screening and will notify those selected. This selection, plus all the bidding process may be followed through the blog: http://grafiti- aquapark.blogspot.com

5 .- selected for the execution of the murals will become candidates for the prize. The contest will take place between 15 and 30 March 2011. Be provided to selected travel from Madrid or Barcelona to the island of Lanzarote, as well as accommodation during the time allotted for the implementation of the graffiti. Paint cans will be borne by the organization to a maximum of 60 boats, plus the infrastructure needed for its implementation. The graffiti should be completed before 1600 hours on March 30 for the jury's evaluation.

6 .- jury shall consist of:
* The winner of the first edition of Lanzarote Graffiti Contest.
* A recognized artist.
* Technical Culture of the Municipality of Teguise
* A member of the board of Balearic Park.

The figure of the secretary of the jury organize work and coordinate the implementation of the murals. It ensures that the jury in any such case, the authorship of the sketches and murals. The jury will evaluate the process of creation and will also judge about any unexpected or anomaly in the conduct of the murals. The jury's decision is final. 7 .- will

reason disqualification of a contestant, by the jury, the following situations:
* The completion of graffiti or pictures outside the spaces and times assigned by the organization.
* Implementation of graffiti that constitute advocacy of violence in all its manifestations, as well as performing work of racist, xenophobic or sexist.
* The alteration of the work performed by other contestants.
* Plagiarism of other work done previously by other authors.
* Throw out waste containers provided by the organization. 8 .-

Awards. The prize for the best graffiti is 2,000 euros, to get the rest of the contestants the amount of 150 euros for their classification. This award will be announced on the opening day of the park in a public event on April 1, 2011.
The winning works will be held Aquapark Costa Teguise, who reserves the right to reproduce.

9 .- The graffiti drawn during the competition will be exhibited at the sites in which they were made, without this other compensation derived by the authors Aquapark, which delivered as a prize to the winners .

11 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules reserving the organization the right to change any of them in exceptional cases.

Scene Of Mera Naam Joker Marriage Of Simi Garewal

Aquapark Bases II ANNEX II edition edition

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Walkie Talkie Arisoft

Aquapark Lanzarote Graffiti Contest 2011 Finalists

Amigos! We are preparing the second edition of the graffiti Aquapark Lanzarote 2011 and soon we will know the basics. We encourage you to go thinking this Christmas and that one of your wishes for 2011 to be a trip to Lanzarote to paint. Aware of this blog!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Moh Model Test Paper For Dentist


counting the days / is
skin is peeling and it rains
and accumulate beneath the drops of blood

that uncomfortable word that migrates with the wind like a corpse
ethereal. mild.

tell lies and I wrinkle
the air behind the eyes

hands / my hands
more foreign than the skeleton crushed
a name that does not say on the edge of things
for fear of falling / a

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Twisted Bowel And Low Back Pain

Best Semi Pro Camcorder Hd

only the night / single
between my bones and shadow noise or my bones
night countdown to the beginning of things

as one eye removed and meat veils and crosses

watering their own bones left behind. (I'm leaving) a second skin.

look and all the truths are so sad that añoraría
and his shadow lies and

its noise and dagger / her

blow that only that

How To Made A 3d Model Church

trial silence

Blaupunkt Malaysia Chevrolet Optra

Forecast II

not rain drops

only draw the new skin and so IFIM

we slipped into tiny
desnombradas roots
land without language that strips

of what
and strips dispensed in that return pairs

we're alone alone silence

Monday, November 15, 2010

Adventure Island-ticket Price-latest

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inner Car Parts Names

fell only as if to stop the silence
the days after taking the sound of us

on the chest / off more than the perfume
yellow on the chest / nothing more than a word
more terrifying than death itself

filling the void of things

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pinnacle Tvcenter Won't Launch

Consciousness I


just a matter of
drop anchor and seas are under

the skin and the ships waiting to sink
until the end of the day, we hear in regards

white crossing the truth and make us sleep
bone waters
paper we are filling the mouths of birds

as we say goodbye to ourselves

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fashion Invitation Wording




Mr Chapu

DCG design

Monday, March 22, 2010

Phlegm In Throat Newborn

And the winner is ... Sketches

Jury Aquapark graffiti contest 2010 has decided:
that after the meeting, held on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 11:00 am, 150 euros is awarded to each participant Euro 2000 finalists and the winner of this contest.

The jury has decided to appoint the winner of national contest Graffiti I 2010 Joseph Aquapark Manuel Rodriguez aka Mr Chapu.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Carl Lewis Air Walker Spare Parts


Space 1: Eduardo Luque

Area 2: Jose Guerrero

Area 3: Juan Sanchez and Mayte Arjona

Area 4: Jose Manuel Rodriguez

Space 5: Diego Castro

Monday, February 15, 2010

Diagram Of Pathophysiology Of Cervical Cancer


The jury graffiti Aquapark 2010 includes: Fernando Romero Robayna professional graffiti, Chany de la Hoz Ramos as representative of the City Council Teguise, as an artist Rubén Acosta Morales plastic, and Begoña Expósito Lamb as director and representative of Aquapark Costa Teguise, have decided:

that after the meeting, held on Friday, February 12, 2010 at 11:30 am, have decided to nominate finalists in the competition, and thus choose to paint the sketches presented in the walls designated the following participants:

Area 1: Eduardo Luque; Lanone alias, from Malaga, with a sketch entitled Several 1-2-3

Area 2: Joseph Guerrero, alias Joe Noodle, from Madrid, with a sketch entitled Space 2 children

Area 3: Juan Sanchez and Mayte Arjona; alias Bellybutton, from Malaga, with a sketch entitled Several 1-2

Area 4: José Manuel Rodriguez , alias Mr Chapu, from Alicante, with a sketch entitled Several 1-2-3-4-5

Space 5 Diego Castro ; alias DCGdesign, from Lanzarote, with the number 1-2-3-5
The realization of these sketches will be held from 1 to March 17, 2010, after which the jury will meet and determine the winner after checking the wall when finished.

The organization and the jury would like to thank all participants, and emphasize the high level of over fifty proposals received.

This blog will continue to inform the bidding process in its various phases, until the final ruling.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pros And Cons Of Timber Frame Construction

Prophecy Des-appointed

"the world is full and will not contain"
Hieronymus Eusebius (c. 345-420)

afraid to say the chain links

the countdown damn sleep
skin that stings the sleeping
while the tree lifts us to a better fall
I have
afraid to think what is not and vice versa
because it will be when he wakes

Sandra Miguez, Uruguay.

With this poem participated in the second Poetry Contest of Heptagrama

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pillows For High Arches

my house was inhabited by
spiders scrutinize the role
time while their networks

enveloped us while all of me
of them walking along the ledge

my time is a no-time
as foreign as what we called

but spiders are not
name so we decided unpopulated

ourselves independent from

he began pulling the skin
all did the same

(I just wanted to close my eyes and see blue trees)

Kristal Summers Follada