Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pros And Cons Of Timber Frame Construction

Prophecy Des-appointed

"the world is full and will not contain"
Hieronymus Eusebius (c. 345-420)

afraid to say the chain links

the countdown damn sleep
skin that stings the sleeping
while the tree lifts us to a better fall
I have
afraid to think what is not and vice versa
because it will be when he wakes

Sandra Miguez, Uruguay.

With this poem participated in the second Poetry Contest of Heptagrama

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pillows For High Arches

my house was inhabited by
spiders scrutinize the role
time while their networks

enveloped us while all of me
of them walking along the ledge

my time is a no-time
as foreign as what we called

but spiders are not
name so we decided unpopulated

ourselves independent from

he began pulling the skin
all did the same

(I just wanted to close my eyes and see blue trees)

Kristal Summers Follada