Friday, May 6, 2011

Where To Buy Colgate Orabase Soothe And Seal

La Soledad

Loneliness is a theme that is present to us many times in life, not everyone felt the same way, it affects us all differently.
There is loneliness, work, friends, empty nest, places of belonging and so on., And the important thing is whether this makes us feel lonely or be alone. They are two totally different things.
Some people indulge in the solitude and some people enjoy them. In the first case, when left to share experiences, emotions and dealing with others and things are immersed in an isolated world of reality, refusing to aid the company, to dialogue and are closing in this vicious circle where only feel anguish, despair, deprivation, lack of interest in life itself, and a dasamor up itself.
For those who enjoy solitude, looks and feels like something you can live with a great individual independence and high self-esteem are good about themselves, are active, always have something to do for fun, to learn, teach, and while they are alone, this does not affect you to share your life, relationships, be provided, dialogue, continue to develop as an individual, and so on. generating an exchange of affection, experiences, feelings and attitudes, which are enough to feel good and make others feel good.
Many people do not understand the latter, and it is normal to worry about whether that person feels well. While from the outset we did not choose to be alone because usually happens by some unexpected event, we can say that is our decision and continue to drive this loneliness .... but ... there's always a but, unfortunately, is very sad person who feels alone, because it is alone, those who have entered the third edad y no tienen a nadie, y han perdido en el camino muchas cosas, incluso las ganas de vivir.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Laptops And Female Fertility Female

Que es la gratitud? esa emoción positiva que experimentamos cuando recibimos algo y que nos produce mucho bienestar,  tanto al que da como al que recibe, es una manera de agradar y sentir beneplácito por lo que se dió o recibió.
Es afianzar y fortalecer lazos con otras personas, porque reconoce y valora la acción de otros.
Se debe ser agradecido en la vida, porque más allá de lo que cada uno pueda obtener, está lo que el otro nos da y lo que life has to offer. In the most simple, everyday actions can see the gratitude of a person.
I do not know how many times I repeat through the day, and sometimes I hear what I say.
Every minute, every day, every year there is something to thank and we will be giving us a new opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate most everything around us and so feel more optimistic. In my case there is much that I have to thank and I've tried to summarize, although much remains in the ink:

appreciate the miracle of life, skills and tools and free to be happy I gave the Supreme.
every day I thank lived every day to live, but especially today, my present.
appreciate the bounties of nature, which nourish me in countless ways.
want to thank people, which bind me with various links : wife, mother, friend, neighbor, known, that enriched and enrich my life, recognition, love and values \u200b\u200band that each day I given the opportunity to be myself, giving me strength, love and companionship.
appreciate everything that life gives me with my hits and misses me all the way here and be who I am.
agradeze the greatest gift he gave me life, being a mother.
agradesco And above all the opportunity to breathe, laugh, mourn, think, feel, love, act, dream, enjoy, give and take and feel alive, alive as you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fierce By Abercrombie How Many Sprays

We must learn Gratitude - Part 2

As promised, here is the second part of "We Learn"

17 .- What if you want a lot of people, some people do not return my that love.
18 .- That I should not compete against the best in others, but to compete with the best of me.
19 .- I can do something on impulse and regret the rest of my life.
20 .- The passion of a feeling disappears quickly.
21 .- What if I do not control my attitude, it control me.
22 .- You must not ever tell a child her dreams are ridiculous, what if you believe me?
23 .- That we should never judge the children by their parents' mistakes as we made when we were young.
24 .- What is more important that I forgive myself for others to forgive me.
25 .- It does not matter if my heart is wounded, the world keeps turning.
26 .- That violence brings more violence.
27 .- That attracts more critical discussion and can get to the confusion.
28 .- What to say a half truth is worse than a lie.
29 .- That the people who criticize others also criticize me when you get a chance.
30 .- That there is much difference between perfection and excellence.
31 .- Let the politicians talk about the same in all languages.
32.-That at the end of life, I realize that the only things worth valieronla are: my family, my faith, a very select group of friends and unasexperiencias they gave me personal growth.

know the author
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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sweden-an example to follow ... Today I am cholula

takes on its back the title of Princess Royal -will be the only rules in Europe by direct descent, and the Duchess of Västergötland. Has been subjected to harsh discipline of learning to be the best ambassador of his country and serve to Sweden from its sovereign role. And despite all liability as destiny awaits you, never loses the smile.
When Victoria was born, was expected to coveted male would be the heir to the crown prince, but when her mother announced that more children could not be made quickly to abolish the Salic Law which forbids women to be heir to the throne.
But two years her mother is born resistance to clogging and his brother, Prince Carl Philip.

Then, the King announced that the man will be his heir and éstetiene rights that nobody can ignore. Seniega Swedish Parliament to reconsider its decision and feminist movements pressuring the country's Parliament and Victoria Ingrid Alice becomes, according to the inheritance law of 1980, Crown Princess Sweden. Unpaís industrialized and rich with 90,000 lakes, idyllic landscapes, largascostas, vast forests, parks and hills. A peaceful country, with unaltísimo living and concern for the environment.

many countries should act like Sweden, allowing and recognizing that a woman need not walk behind or later that man, just at par and to enable him as a person he is.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cutter Tajima Iman Buy

... We must learn

I think everyone has a bit of Cholula, perhaps hidden, perhaps not, but today, 29 April, I must confess that I am cholula total.
I never liked history, a subject with which I never had good relationship, but if there are two types of history that I love them are those of the Monasteries (Sister Cecilia well knows) and the history of Princes and Kings.
Within hours the wedding of Prince William. Today in my city's cold, raining, and me with a cold of those, if you warm in bed (in my country is at 6 am) looking at the actual wedding.
know I think it's going to wear, see hats, accessories, jewelry, decoration, ceremony, customs and especially as the bride dress. All this as long as I wake, because my Cholula not go so far as to set the alarm.

I know that out of my country many friends will celebrate on Sunday May 1st Mother's Day, which this year coincides with Labor Day.
Spend a beautiful and happy all day!, A big kiss to all and everyone in general, a happy Labor Day.
good weekend for everyone!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Church Scene In Mera Naam Joker

- Part 1 Be star

1.-That there are always three approaches to every story: my truth, your truth and the truth.
2 .- That takes a long time to become the person I want to be.
3 .- Which is easier to react than think.
4 .- What we can do more things that we can do.
5 .- That no matter our circumstances, what matters is how we interpret our circumstances.
6 .- That we can not force a person to love, we can only be someone you love. The rest is up to others.
7 .- That takes years to develop trust and a second to destroy it.
8 .- That two people can see the same thing and see something totally different.
9 .- That the honest people are more successful over time.
10 .- What can we write or talk about our feelings, to relieve severe pain.
11 .- That no matter how far I've been God, I always return to receive.
12 .- That we are all responsible for our actions.
13 .- That there are people who love me very much, but they can not express it.
14 .- That sometimes the people we least expect, are the first to support you in difficult times.
15 .- That maturity has more to do with the experience we have lived, and not so much over the years we've met.
16 .- That there are two days each week for which we should not worry about: yesterday and tomorrow. The only valuable time is now.

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Text: know the author, ordering paper I found written on a sheet that was folded inside a folder. Are 32, I have only l6 in the coming days I will put the rest.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Burst Blood Capillary


Holy Week where we all had enough time to get together, chat, meet and share news of the life of each one with more details and more relaxed I could see what I always maintained.
There are situations in life that really understand when, one has to be the protagonist of this situation, and then one they say .. "see? .. When I told you what I thought."
illness, separation, loss of a loved one, loneliness, depression, etc. are situations that cause severe pain and sometimes do not realize how much can be, until we have experienced firsthand .
I have said many times now as I understand ..!. But yes, it is not indifference or lack of empathy or may not know to take the place of another, past the bond or the degree of affection that has one with things and people, by the experiences so far that one had .
But there are also people who are indifferent to the suffering of others and when something happens to them, want the world to stop and forget that what is happening, others already lived because it is law of life or other such passing time are worse, and must accept that there is or will be the only one from that situation.
I also see that that person has not experienced some limits and have everything, complain about little things and take things to the others suffered tremendous and gives value and importance to these little things that really makes them happy.
. But so, because our experience has much to do with our attitude to such situations, as they happen. One is growing, learning, understanding, gaining experience and eventually realizes that there is nothing worse, or you can have it all, and that happen to us is as important as when it happens to others.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Taken Mini Series Free

Happy Easter! Nostalgia

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sanye Anti Adipose Tea Australia

In recent days I have made many changes in my home, arranging things, as there were times that I felt was in nostalgia for things pleasing to me passed, by people who have and are no longer, for situations that I lived with my children when they were little and I must confess that I liked, I felt that connected the present with the past, no I'm good person to be "tied" to anything I liked the play that made me good memory to remember many things and feel nostalgia for them. I believe that good things come to myself was not sad, nor experience this several times, no, I'm pulling forward as horse racing.
I did not stay quiet thinking about taking it as pleasant, and I started looking in psychology pages on nostalgia and oh! Surprise.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, nostalgia is considered a clinical disease. In the twentieth century, was viewed as a psychiatric disorder, with symptoms including insomnia, anxiety and depression. Recently, psychologists have begun to focus on the positive and potentially therapeutic nostalgia. Recent studies in psychology about nostalgia is said to be positive in the person, remembering events and people generate positive thoughts, including better self-esteem and an increased sense of feeling loved and protected by others. Nostalgia can provide a positive vision of the past Yeste could help us develop a greater sense of continuity ydarle more meaning to our lives. Researchers conjeturanque nostalgia may also have a greater significance for losancianos, because they are more vulnerable to social isolation and, portanto, nostalgia can help them overcome feelings of loneliness.
I liked what happened, it was like up to the time machine take me a mini-vacation and visit which is also part of my life, my past.
Image Data and Site

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Where Can I Watch Family Guy Online For Ipod?

The children do not listen, you watch! Award-

When you thought I did not see you, I saw you gar pe my first drawing to the refrigerator, and immediately wanted to paint another.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I saw you have everything arranged and in nuestracasa to be nice to live, pending details, and entendíque the little things are special things in life.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I hear you ask God and I knew that God existíaun that I could talk to and trust.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I saw you worry about your friends healthy yenfermos and learned that we all need help and care for each other.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I saw you give of your time and money to help intervene personally have nothing and I learned that those who have algodeben share it with those who do not have.
When you thought I did not see you, I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe.
When you thought I did not see you, I saw you meet the house and all who live in it and learned to watch what we are given.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I met your responsibilities as you did not feel aúncuando well, and I learned that I should be responsible cuandocrezca.
When you thought I did not see you, I saw tears come out of tusojos and learned that sometimes things hurt, and that is bienllorar.
When you thought I did not see you, I saw that you cared and wanted to be all that I can be.
Cuandopensabas have not seen you, I learned almost all the lessons of lifeI need to know to be a good and productive person cuandocrezca.
When you thought I did not see you, I saw you and wanted to say: Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought you did not see you!

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Financial Manament I M Pandey

Blog Meme MA crumb on the road to

This award-meme comes from his blog Ma Ma's Blog
Thanks MA! Visit
your space!

The rules of the award are:

  • Name who gave it to you and put your prize''tuned''(done). Then you have to tune your own and put it in the end.
  • You must submit seven characteristics that define you: There are many but here's some:
  • 1) I like rainy days
  • 2) can not stand the summer-
  • 3) Fall is my season favorite
  • 4) I love the sea and sunset
  • 5) I hate indifference and discrimination.
  • 6) Live and let live
  • 7) I'm a night owl, I love the silence of the night, I like to sleep in the morning.
You have to pass it on to 7 other blogs. I do not want to feel obliged to do as I do not like to "choose", so who wants to take the prize and do it, do so freely, but then the rules say they are seven.

          Amelia            Http://
Luna ;

This is my reward "tuning" that you take, I did make reference to Fall with leaves. Do not forget to "tune" your own.
Which means "tune": you take something that is done and garnish, add, or modified, leaving the base element.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blonde Beautiful Agony

I, the roadrunner ...

And yes, that's me, like the roadrunner, I'm hearing a lot lately .. for a bit!. I just do not realize, I can not do nothing, I keep doing a little of everything as usual and now I have all the time for me even more.
And this remark comes from something that is happening to the majority in the blogfera and in real life, the lack TIME. This I think will be the main theme of this year.

When I started on this, ahhh what a pleasure I have five fans, each week, uhhhh are eleven and, a month, guauuuu fifteen, six months after forty, then sixty and eighty after ayyyyy as I do to meet mine and with everyone?. Imagine those who have two, three hundred and fifty, six hundred and more?. I love them all equally, all I read, and comment, but there comes a time that can not be everything, then I choose to read them and tell them from time to time, although certainly not going to be.
As I always say, but do not write for critics or Alaga, eventually formed the friendly relationship among all, and no longer is just a simple comment, there is much more, encouragement, support, containment, love, affection, recognition, etc.. and one gets affectionate with that and the person, and feel bad if you can not comply, but not, we should not take it well. I learned this year that no one is forced, or feel I must comment on whether or whether ever, not because it is unwilling, please, but because there are times, ie: if I can, is barbaric, if I can not not feel bad and vice versa. We know enough already, we can not we think bad, much less get wrong.
So do not worry if I can go, I know that every now and will do so because they are always there and so I say to you, because we are busiest all day on the PC and a "look" we I think that nobody here nobody forgets this stage of the game.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How Common Is Hpv Throat Cancer

The man and the world

A scientist, who lived preoccupied with the troubles of the world, was determined to find ways to minimize them. He spent days in his lab for answers to your questions.

One day his son invaded his 7 years santuario decidido a ayudarlo a trabajar. El científico, nervioso por la interrupción, le pidió al niño que fuese a jugar a otro lugar. Viendo que era imposible sacarlo, el padre pensó en algo que pudiese darle con el objetivo de distraer su atención.

De repente se encontró con una revista en donde venía el mapa del mundo ¡Justo lo que precisaba!. Con unas tijeras recortó el mapa en varios pedazos y junto con un rollo de cinta se lo entregó a su hijo diciendo: "Como te gustan los rompecabezas, te voy a dar el mundo todo roto, para que lo repares sin ayuda de nadie".

Entonces calculó que al pequeño le llevaría días componer el mapa, but it was not. Past few hours, he heard the boy's voice calling him calmly. "Dad, I did everything, got to finish it."

At first the father did not believe the words of the child. He thought it would be impossible, at his age, had managed to reconstruct a map he had never seen before. Suspicious, the scientist looked up from his notes with the certainty that the work would be worthy of a child.

To his surprise, the map was complete. All the pieces had been placed in their proper places.

How was it? How does the child had been able to?

"Son, you did not know what the world was, how did you build it?

"Dad, I did not know what the world was, but when you brought the map of the magazine to cut it, I saw that the other side was the figure of a man ...

so I turned to cuts and started reconstruct the man that if he knew he was. When I got to fix the man, I turned the page and saw that he had arranged the world.

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Happens At The Initiation School

student Louie

I like the humor of double meaning, that you do understand everything in a few words for the wise and say nothing for the innocent. I have the humor, but surely in a circle of friends a lot of confidence, once it starts, one does not stop making jokes. I've seen some friends put humor and sometimes picaresque texts, I love, are things that have happened to us or that we see and gives us lots of laughs. Louie the tales are famous for this terrible humor. A laugh a while.
good weekend!

The teacher involved in an argument between two students:

Louie, what is the problem?

is I'm too smart to be in first grade.

My sister is in third and I'm smarter than her.

I want to go to the third party! The professor sees that you can not

solve the problem and send it to the address.

While waiting in the anteroom Louie, the teacher explained the situation

director. This promises to do a test the boy, who

certainly not able to respond to all questions, and so will access

continue in the first grade.

already under two, pass the student and they do test the proposal that he accepted.

Starts then questions the Director: Louie's see ...
What is 3 by 3? - "9" -.

And how much is 6 times 6? - "36" -.

The director continues for almost an hour with the battery of questions

only an excellent third-grader should know and Louie not make

no error.

Given the evident intelligence of the child, the Director said to the teacher:

I think we will have to pass the third grade. The professor not very

safe, asks: - "I can make me some questions, too? The

director and Louie settle.

Starts then the professor:

What does the cow 4 and I only two?

Legs, Louie responds without hesitation ...

What's in your pants, that nothing in mine?

director adjusts the lenses, and is prepared to interrupt ...

pockets, answered the child.

What enters the center of the women and behind the man?

Thunderstruck, the director holds its breath ...

The letter "E", the student responds.

And where women have curly hair?

The director makes a face of astonishment

In Africa, Louie responds without hesitation.
soft, and in the hands of a woman becomes hard?

The director is crossed eyes.

The nail polish, professional ... Louie answered.

What women have in between your legs?

The Director can not believe ...

knees, Louie responds instantly.

What married woman has a wider than a single?

The bed.

What word starts with the letter C, ends with the letter O, it is wrinkled and we all have it back?

The director starts a cold sweat ...

elbow, teacher.

And what begins with C has a hole and I gave it to several people that they enjoyed?

The director covers the face ...


The director, as dizzy pressure interrupts them and tells the professor ... Look, put me to carajito that in sixth grade ...

I myself have just failing all the answers!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lyrical Festival Costumes

Absent a few days

I will be out a few days, preparing my first exam, I can not creerrr!. As time passes, I have also birthday and I have to make cakes, and much work for Easter with chocolate eggs and chocolate. Enjoying
also these days of autumn with a few leaves, still lots of greenery, a beautiful morning for walking and sunbathing soft, ahhhh what a pleasure!. Bright and sunny for all my windows, is mid-morning, with my mate and thermos to the side, pretty cool outside, the south wind is noted.
See you soon.
Kisses to all

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Green On My Skin When Shaving

School Musical

On the style of our friend Richard who always shows places and interesting things about your city, I happened to show and tell what is going to open on Monday, April 4 in this beautiful old two-story house, glued to my apartment, that inside and out, architecturally spectacular.
will work here, nothing more and nothing less than School Musical Valeria Lynch.
friends do not know if outsiders know this singer ours that has a beautiful voice and very famous in America.

This house is beautiful inside and has a history in the neighborhood, belonged to the parents of a neighbor, behind the walls of both the floor above as the below are totally authentic vitro and the full width of the mansion has a very wide back balcony that goes around in ele, with the same bars that are on the front.
Park this residence, comprising a little more than half a block and 10 meters to the side. When the mansion was sold at the park became the consortium where I live.

They some neighbors who were born on this block that the luxury of this house was impressive, I say was because it was sold to two union and care is not adequate to conserve fuel, then ran a school for managers. I do not know if you remember that famous American series "Dynasty" in the famous Carrington mansion, where actress Linda Evans down by a grand staircase to a living. This ladder surrounded by those high walls have this house overlooking a large central hall, all that is wood, as both entry doors and interior are very high and carved. Today has been completely renovated and painted, the owner, Romina, loving it and its employees, invited me to see how they were dressed, the last picture was taken today when they tested the lights.
is a project that will give much life to the block, tell me that there are numerous students of all ages. Teach, song, speech, dance and acting. This school has long been called here because for the people of the south of my country is more comfortable and quiet here in my city and do 750 km. more to the city of Buenos Aires. The singer Valeria Lynch will not come to the opening but I have been told that we visit on April 25 and that day is sure to be a world of people on our doorstep.
I promise photos when everything is finished, lighted of this beautiful house where more than one forge their dreams .

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cydia Source On Ipod For Pokemon

Murals II edition OTES

Here you have pictures of the other finalists.

otes, Napol, Mango, Lalone and Children perdi2 corp. with Mr Chapu, winner of the first edition in the wall of OTES.





Reviews Leimo Hair Laser

wins the second edition of the contest Graffiti Aquapark Lanzarote

artist OTES Cordoba, José Manuel Franco Gonzalez won first prize in the II edition of the graffiti Aquapark Lanzarote 2011. The jury is out about this Friday April 1 at 12:00 h after a week in which the five finalists had the opportunity to carry out his sketches on the walls of the water park. The prize, worth 2,000 €, was quite disputed because of the high quality of the proposals and in the words of the jury. Other finalists: Napol, Children Perdi2 Corp., Lalone and Mango from Valencia, Vigo, Malaga and Lanzarote respectively, obtained an award of 150 €.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Have To Help My Year Old Daughter Bath

Day Valeria Lynch World Autism Awareness Part 2

many times have we heard, usually at birthday parties for kids expressions like this ... poor guy is autistic and lives her world, what a shame, a disgrace, to load ... . please! as one may say so?, said by mothers!, which means a child. I want to thank our friend Grace by that big heart that has to support and promote all that is related to children of different abilities. I have known for her blog about this and other mothers of children with autism, severity, treatments and outcomes of those step by step little sun that day by day they are connecting with the world. The following words I took the Blog Always a Marine smile, which will see in the video with his family.
And do not stop reading this post posted by Graciela, where a mother expresses beautifully what it means to a child to a mother. Click here.

"I wish this April 2 sedifunda about autism, it is known that there are degrees deseveridad, different types of treatments. I would love todossupieran warning signs that doctors always listen to the parents, there are no difficulties to receive the help they need nuestroshijos. If I could, there would not trabasburocróticas that do nothing that does not respect the rights of laspersonas or the people themselves: social works acubrir refuse treatment, schools that are saved the right of admission yescuelas Public not ready.

also Gentenaar would be scared that when we talk about autism to know that nuestroshijos are people with a lot of features are not autistic, autism, period. Is a video of our beautiful family, full of smiles, because that choose to live, with great joy and Sinmiedo. "

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pokemon Silver Anti Freeze

More Making off