Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Laptops And Female Fertility Female

Que es la gratitud?..es esa emoción positiva que experimentamos cuando recibimos algo y que nos produce mucho bienestar,  tanto al que da como al que recibe, es una manera de agradar y sentir beneplácito por lo que se dió o recibió.
Es afianzar y fortalecer lazos con otras personas, porque reconoce y valora la acción de otros.
Se debe ser agradecido en la vida, porque más allá de lo que cada uno pueda obtener, está lo que el otro nos da y lo que life has to offer. In the most simple, everyday actions can see the gratitude of a person.
I do not know how many times I repeat through the day, and sometimes I hear what I say.
Every minute, every day, every year there is something to thank and we will be giving us a new opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate most everything around us and so feel more optimistic. In my case there is much that I have to thank and I've tried to summarize, although much remains in the ink:

appreciate the miracle of life, skills and tools and free to be happy I gave the Supreme.
every day I thank lived every day to live, but especially today, my present.
appreciate the bounties of nature, which nourish me in countless ways.
want to thank people, which bind me with various links : wife, mother, friend, neighbor, known, that enriched and enrich my life, recognition, love and values \u200b\u200band that each day I given the opportunity to be myself, giving me strength, love and companionship.
appreciate everything that life gives me with my hits and misses me all the way here and be who I am.
agradeze the greatest gift he gave me life, being a mother.
agradesco And above all the opportunity to breathe, laugh, mourn, think, feel, love, act, dream, enjoy, give and take and feel alive, alive as you.


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