A scientist, who lived preoccupied with the troubles of the world, was determined to find ways to minimize them. He spent days in his lab for answers to your questions.
One day his son invaded his 7 years santuario decidido a ayudarlo a trabajar. El científico, nervioso por la interrupción, le pidió al niño que fuese a jugar a otro lugar. Viendo que era imposible sacarlo, el padre pensó en algo que pudiese darle con el objetivo de distraer su atención.
De repente se encontró con una revista en donde venía el mapa del mundo ¡Justo lo que precisaba!. Con unas tijeras recortó el mapa en varios pedazos y junto con un rollo de cinta se lo entregó a su hijo diciendo: "Como te gustan los rompecabezas, te voy a dar el mundo todo roto, para que lo repares sin ayuda de nadie".
Entonces calculó que al pequeño le llevaría días componer el mapa, but it was not. Past few hours, he heard the boy's voice calling him calmly. "Dad, I did everything, got to finish it."
At first the father did not believe the words of the child. He thought it would be impossible, at his age, had managed to reconstruct a map he had never seen before. Suspicious, the scientist looked up from his notes with the certainty that the work would be worthy of a child.
To his surprise, the map was complete. All the pieces had been placed in their proper places.
How was it? How does the child had been able to?
"Son, you did not know what the world was, how did you build it?
"Dad, I did not know what the world was, but when you brought the map of the magazine to cut it, I saw that the other side was the figure of a man ...
so I turned to cuts and started reconstruct the man that if he knew he was. When I got to fix the man, I turned the page and saw that he had arranged the world.
One day his son invaded his 7 years santuario decidido a ayudarlo a trabajar. El científico, nervioso por la interrupción, le pidió al niño que fuese a jugar a otro lugar. Viendo que era imposible sacarlo, el padre pensó en algo que pudiese darle con el objetivo de distraer su atención.
De repente se encontró con una revista en donde venía el mapa del mundo ¡Justo lo que precisaba!. Con unas tijeras recortó el mapa en varios pedazos y junto con un rollo de cinta se lo entregó a su hijo diciendo: "Como te gustan los rompecabezas, te voy a dar el mundo todo roto, para que lo repares sin ayuda de nadie".
Entonces calculó que al pequeño le llevaría días componer el mapa, but it was not. Past few hours, he heard the boy's voice calling him calmly. "Dad, I did everything, got to finish it."
At first the father did not believe the words of the child. He thought it would be impossible, at his age, had managed to reconstruct a map he had never seen before. Suspicious, the scientist looked up from his notes with the certainty that the work would be worthy of a child.
To his surprise, the map was complete. All the pieces had been placed in their proper places.
How was it? How does the child had been able to?
"Son, you did not know what the world was, how did you build it?
"Dad, I did not know what the world was, but when you brought the map of the magazine to cut it, I saw that the other side was the figure of a man ...
so I turned to cuts and started reconstruct the man that if he knew he was. When I got to fix the man, I turned the page and saw that he had arranged the world.
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