Friday, May 6, 2011

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La Soledad

Loneliness is a theme that is present to us many times in life, not everyone felt the same way, it affects us all differently.
There is loneliness, work, friends, empty nest, places of belonging and so on., And the important thing is whether this makes us feel lonely or be alone. They are two totally different things.
Some people indulge in the solitude and some people enjoy them. In the first case, when left to share experiences, emotions and dealing with others and things are immersed in an isolated world of reality, refusing to aid the company, to dialogue and are closing in this vicious circle where only feel anguish, despair, deprivation, lack of interest in life itself, and a dasamor up itself.
For those who enjoy solitude, looks and feels like something you can live with a great individual independence and high self-esteem are good about themselves, are active, always have something to do for fun, to learn, teach, and while they are alone, this does not affect you to share your life, relationships, be provided, dialogue, continue to develop as an individual, and so on. generating an exchange of affection, experiences, feelings and attitudes, which are enough to feel good and make others feel good.
Many people do not understand the latter, and it is normal to worry about whether that person feels well. While from the outset we did not choose to be alone because usually happens by some unexpected event, we can say that is our decision and continue to drive this loneliness .... but ... there's always a but, unfortunately, is very sad person who feels alone, because it is alone, those who have entered the third edad y no tienen a nadie, y han perdido en el camino muchas cosas, incluso las ganas de vivir.


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