Sigocon all my arrangements, I have lost everything stored in the closet and meencontré with many pictures from when my kids were small. With miesposo always lived in an apartment in downtown area and they needed our guys Once there fillies, playing outside that we were taking them to librey grandfather's house, where stuck primosvivían home. Grandpa enjoyed the patio, with fifth and fruit garden and tiled patio that great under enverano booths. In the evenings went outside to play ball, to lasescondidas, riding bikes in the summer enjoying the piletaque had their cousins \u200b\u200band so grew up together. Yque
I can say about my father, grandfather, was the happiest person to see their grandchildren worldfor play, healthy and happy, was a man deinfinita kindness, respectful, polite, never disrespect you.
summer Recuerdocuando out walking very early in the morning, I recorríamás of 25 blocks to his house and he looked me mate on the patio under a large almond tree and under a large plant and debajopasaba mandarins of his vine, drink mate there and talk. Cualquieracontecimiento family, there were all in the house of his grandfather.
Quecomplicado was at snack time to feed many mouths, but two girls, all are men, but the grandfather managed, elcocinaba as the gods and nothing would do anything and rich.
Hacíaunas pancakes with flour, milk, fat or butter and salt, and baked estirabafinitas on the plate of steak and belly dábamostodos us to mate. And they did something very funny, but that loschicos loved, made of potato and egg tortilla, unaporción gave to each of two slices of bread, was a sandwich detortilla, as they liked!, And well enough for all . Comodisfrutábamos products of his farm, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, parsley and fresh oregano, cherries, onions, tomatoes, zucchini ... had everything and gave Laplante amount of almonds!.
Fueronaños happy, a person who appreciated a lot and that my hijossiempre remember, because the "grandfather pancakes" haciendohasta today are still in my childhood home and so happy that my boys, and as part fuécon grandfather. Today in my blog Maverick's Kitchen, a recipe of "Grandpa's pancakes" and different ways to fill them.
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