1 .- Can I participate in the national competition Graffiti Aquapark 2010 any person who wishes and shows a proper level of artistry in the field of graffiti. 2 .-
sketches will be presented under water issues in all its forms, for 5 spaces available specified in Annex (size shapes and sizes). It will assess the possibility of adapting these designs to one or more spaces. Each applicant can participate with at least one design for each space, until a maximum of 5, one for each space.
3 .- The sketches should be sent by email before 24:00 pm on February 7 2010 at the following address and with the following characteristics:
• jpeg format, with a not larger than 1 meg, and the longest side not less than 2000 pixels. Be indicated through the wall file name to which it is intended the sketch under the same number of spaces in which each is defined in the APPENDIX. In the case of a design suitable for various spaces such as file name include the word number + space number. (Examples: espacio1.jpg / Varios1-2-5.jpg)
• Along with the sketches submitted should be sent by the artist contact information: full name, stage name, mailing address, telephone number and ID scanned image.
• Affidavit signed by the author that the work is original and unpublished and has not been awarded previously.
• List of colors needed to execute the mural. • You can
mailing of information, formats and color A3 cardboard original, no photocopies will be accepted at the following address:
Aquapark Costa Teguise, Avenida del Golf, parcela 315, 35508 - Costa Teguise - Lanzarote
4 .- The pre ; be done with criteria of artistic quality, originality and adaptability of work among the participating artists. 5 will be selected from works submitted for execution. Be reserved at least one place for residents of the island of Lanzarote. On February 15 the decision shall be notified of the screening and will notify those selected. This selection, plus all the bidding process, will be available through the blog:
After the screening, the sketches are not selected may be collected within one month Aquapark in Costa facilities Teguise. Shipping and removal of the sketches, and the packaging, transportation and other expenses are the sole responsibility of the participant.
After this deadline, the works that have not been withdrawn shall be kept by Aquapark Costa Teguise
5 .- selected for execution of the murals will become candidates for the prize. The contest will take place between 1 and March 15, 2010. Be provided to selected travel from Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bor the rest of the Canary Islands of Lanzarote and accommodation during the time allotted for the implementation of the graffiti. Paint cans will be borne by the organization also the infrastructure necessary for implementation. The graffiti should be completed before 1600 hours on March 17 for the jury's evaluation.
6 .- The jury will comprise: * A professional
Graffiti. * An artist recognized
* Technical Culture of the Municipality of Teguise Lanzarote Island or
* A member of the board of Aquapark Costa Teguise.
The figure of the secretary of the jury organize work and coordinate the implementation of the murals. It ensures that the jury in any such case, the authorship of the sketches and murals. The jury
process creation and will also judge about any unexpected or anomaly in the conduct of the murals. The jury's decision is final. 7 .-
be grounds for disqualification of a contestant, by the jury, the following situations:
* carry out graffiti or drawings of the spaces and times assigned by the organization.
* Implementation of graffiti that constitute advocacy of violence in all its manifestations, as well as performing work of racist, xenophobic or sexist.
* The alteration of the work performed by other contestants.
* Plagiarism of other works made previously by other authors.
* Throw out waste containers provided by the organization. 8 .-
Awards. The prize for the best graffiti will be 2,000 euros, to get the rest of the contestants the amount of 150 euros for their classification. This award will be announced on the opening day of the park in a public event on March 19, 2010.
The winning works will be held Aquapark Costa Teguise, who reserves the right to reproduce.
9 .- The graffiti drawn during the competition will be exhibited at the sites in which they were made, without necessarily deriving other financial compensation Aquapark by its authors as the award given to winners.
11 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these rules the organization reserves the right to change any of them in exceptional cases.
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