Monday, March 19, 2007

Harley Birthday Cards For Men


Time has passed and my vision of things has mutated eternal clock turns. True, both outside and inside, things have changed, my goals are different, my joys others, my nightmares have changed on the decibel scale and did not affect me "idiot problem" a few years ago. Today my efforts, dreams, hopes are not as personal as antes, mi cuota de ego ha bajado no porque no me sienta el mejor, sino más bien porque la energía natural genera en mi cabezas distintas y nuevas sinapsis que me vuelcan la atención hacia otro norte.

Este mes es un mes especial ya que aparte de las deleznables responsabilidades sociales y económicas del “Madito Marzo”, debo decir que es un mes que debe llenarme de alegría, orgullo y amor. Por ejemplo Marzo ha desatado dentro de mi cabeza la unión de 2 mujeres importantes en mi vida, la primera, una leona que forjó carácter , simpleza, entrega y orgullo. La primera de estas mujeres es mi madre que cumple en este mismo día Sesenta y tantos... Es loco..... y quizás para las mujeres paradójico but a lot of independence, for many families, many children and many things in this blog many men like it or not will always be so unconditional with our mothers and our wives expect our children to be with them.

The other woman is my dream, my desire, my passion unleashed and unchecked ..... I call Ashem, just for this great feature of my being that every re christened unique and inplagiables air ... I think it goes without saying that Ashem ... must be the only Ashem and no more than her on the planet ... believe me or not and that makes it unique and special ... not only in my eyes and joy ... but whom we see every time you call her by her name ... "Ashem" which undoubtedly see the same sparks of love that I see beating on it.

Ashem turns 2 this March 22 and watch it grow slowly because I realize my ego rate is low so swiftly .... simple .... I'm not .... I am not my world, I mean ... not the only one .... now and for quite some time they, my children Cameron and Elena (Ashem) are the meaning of everything.

Now I just want to leave a lasting as well as I did with Camilo unconditional love of this father to his beautiful rock girl dreams that one day I become the Tata Rock.

Ashem ..... born with you in this adventure of love a child, move, bathe, teach you to speak, walk, sing me out through the pores ... well you know your father comes from a family of single men without sisters, and where tact and skill to live with women is a noticeable lack and you've only been able to break with the play of a princess. For example, when I look in your eyes deep .. when we speak in the dialect only informs us, when I see that I can not fail and I need to fortify myself for you .... I feel complete ..... to project in your actions, to love a new woman in my life and thinking back in time and drawing your future in my dreams disables all these initial shortcomings of my basic mute man. 're Special ..... I know, you have a titanic energy that flows through your pores with force volcanic .... desire to accommodate your unique way of being with the teachings of this quasi vejo father who loves you so much. I want to be more or less complicit in our pranks as I was with my childhood friends, I want to learn .... you ..... your scent of a woman ..... Your perfect nature and flashing ... True, we are beginning ..... but we started well .... I Love You .... and I know for sure that you too .. So today I turn reflected in my blog life ... in this world so personal and so typical of my essence .... a world that few of my friends and family know. A world full of distant eyes, full of silent spectators, full of parents like me. I leave here today written the commandments of my unconditional love you.

are my treasure, my love, my eyes .... 're the only woman to love me without asking, you're the only woman running into my arms plunged my presence ..... you are my blood ... my water .. my air ..... You ..... You .... You're my Ashem ...

Loves ... Your old ¡.;)))))


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