Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Buying Rate In Kharghar


Dear Friends of the Blog, I write this story so that from now on be very careful and did not matter what my past weekend, pay close attention. Actually this story is awfully horrible and would not wish anybody.

I send this information to notify since I was a victim of theft while shopping this weekend. It was in Vitacura, but could be anywhere else

Well, the thing is, on Saturday I went to the supermarket which is near my house because I had to buy some things for lunch. Thus, as at noon landed in a supermarket Lider (do not know how many of you shop at Lider, but it can happen in other supermarkets).

This is how the robbery


Two girls dressed in tight T-shirts and diver approach you while you keep the bags in the trunk of the car. them, so super Gentile I cleaned the windshield with a sponge and a special fluid (supposedly), breasts, are practically out of the T-shirts and ass you crazy ... .. as I am a flesh and blood gueón it was impossible not to hit them with inquisitive glances face "préstamelo a minute." The truth is that when you finish your show and try to leave to care gueón thanking degenerate, They in a gesture of boldness ask that you bring to another supermarket sector.

Okay, you fall pig hot ... so that got in the car with his conscience in fact the baby bag chair my son .... The thing is that when you accept, the mines up in the backseat and tell you if you bother to change some clothes and in the other supermarkets should do the show in another product, the thing is going well until during the change of clothing starts to cum hand including the show is really afraid of ... almost crashed !!!!!. Then a pass into the passenger seat and you start to perform oral sex while the other steals your wallet without your knowledge or account. The Guea is the shit my friend .... In fact to me was stolen last Friday, Saturday and twice on Sunday, again on Tuesday and Wednesday.

So Focused .... Do not go to the supermarket alone .... bring a friend!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

What R The Channels For On Car Amps

The Eclipse of sun .... CHAO

I was determined! ... Leave everything thrown CAEU bad ... this opportunity will never, ever happen again ... so Let's take forward. I talked to my profs as they would be two weeks of revelry, my destiny ... The Eclipse of sun in Putre, magnanimous event to be held in November 1994, something that undoubtedly not lost or shitting me ...

So was my mother in law got one of those trucks on the magnificent style. Would travel my dark, my mother, my sister, the spoon and the mosquito draculón (a cousin of my black which we learned from that event to take incredible). For me, Chile before ending in the valley of the Elqui, had never reached the third region and fewer had thought would be places as strippers hows and Iquique, Parinacota, Putre, Arica, Pica and other places that I can never erase from the retina.

As the old are a bitter, my profs that I certainly cagaría warned in a jar that is zero chance I would catch up with the materials ... but as I am a gueón who will live only once ... chao ... I grabbed the trucks, we got everyone and we headed for swift Arica.

The first stop was Guanaqueros beautiful resort that summarizes stories from my life that one day I'll tell you. The re Guea was crazy .... Gil socks had failed, but could catch up buying some natives at the fair was Guanaqueros ... So ... I bought 12 pairs of 2 lucas .... The truth was more stalk quality that Loncomilla bridge .. 100% nylon edge ... ... but so were Nuevitas change in the computer, all in the truck and heading north pal. There began my transformation since leaving the I stopped the 4th region more .... All they asked me want to stop to pee ... but ... I would not stop driving. I was saying ... "when 2 or 3 they are willing to stop there" ... in general when traveling with women is a Guevea ... always want to go pissing on each hill you see ... also need a special arbustitos special hill and no one will see your poto immaculate white and campers will be sworn into the grave .... Being male is definitely special cagamos piss and where nature catches us! Ja!.

Well the Guea is not stopped again, my goal was to Arica as soon as possible and revel in the news .... When going through Iquique felt kind of weird smell ... a foul rotten smell; thought it was the environment .... Continued driving and suddenly I came a ... more stinking fetid breeze that shit ... anyway ... do not fish much and I followed up pa ... .... The truth all the companions and given how stubborn I hated not want to stop until you get to Arica .... Well long story short, the short-lasting because the road is longer than the peak 33 hours! Of which drove at least 27 straight ... When you get to Arica, would be presented to the family of my black nortino, there comes me, canchero, nice Guevea good pal, with his good chelas to provide the landing, etc, etc, etc ... The thing is that by sharing rooms, all guests would be staying in a huge train-piece where the beds were already defined ... as my mother had me catch the vicious face, threw me to the background ... There I I placed, I put my bag and decided it was a minute to hit me ... my shower rigor. I started to undressed ... I got my cowboy boots, a "Laredo" I bought a peguita he had done months before the trip when I suddenly felt the same foul odor, but now intense, such as acetone or benzene plane. Gonzalo, Cristi cousin tells me ... Black disgusting ... you gonna drop the legs .... This comet was a dagger in the self-esteem but it was the saddest reality ... those 100% nylon stockings, had been ordered to put my fingers wrinkled Gill Julio Martinez, my fingers were white, almost transparent, begging for some oxygen flagellates to torture of being stuck in the desert for 27 hours in a pressure cooker to conceal cowboy ... ... I put the socks in a bag, three knots blind and zap ... pa below the bed (if I'm gueón), that was like trying to ask Ballero to solve a quadratic equation, but the shame of entering society by posing as the feet stink gueón was a demon hard to beat ... The truth my stash lasted less than a chicken for six ... was quickly unmasked and forced to throw my cowboy boots beautiful courtyard, all the socks in the trash (including 11 unused) and bowed to use husks every day who were traveling ... the smell of leg accompanied me for over a month ... A GUIDE was terrible!

The resort was short, we wandered, walked, cumin, and Guevara went out everywhere. I remember when we went to the casino with my dark, we took some pictures for the newspaper El Mercurio .... When I found out that published only leaving her, it was clear ... I had cut by ugly Plop. Short story .... Putre traveled to the day before the eclipse, we stopped tent in a courtyard of a school environment ... AMAZING! A very cosmopolitan atmosphere, pure hippies, smoking marijuana setenones old chutzpah, rich mines absolutely free like birds, a magician of the Most Harley riders style, some gothic, punk, troughs, rock ... or, she was in a rare display of big birds . I met an Iranian couple, they were hunters of eclipses (Cachense the volaita) traveled to all solar eclipses that were in the world, they work only for that computer, if there was no work or lucas, traveling through the unemployment insurance (Lived in Switzerland ... Was not!) What caught my attention from them and in particular about her was that her appearance was deplorable hygiene, hairy armpits to concho, smelly, with a mustache and a whiff of Cototo terror ... my legs were a miserable stinking stench project next to the parcito.

The night before the eclipse of the sun, would develop a style feast the tyrant .... Cristi was the altitude sickness (ie the height of the mad left) and stayed in bed .... So that when it comes Negrin eggs and what slows height, left reel with tequila in hand to fool themselves known to the epicenter of Guevea was born. Then they played the folklorists, the party started techno. The first chaotic techno party of my life .... Sure .. I'm so rock with electronica was nothing ná .. but that night I gave to the vitality of binary bits and probing hollows through every one of my eustachian tubes .... I had a slice. I met mine and creek gueones the most stripper ... it was a heavy night .... Then I went to a party in a kind of eucalyptus forest. . Guevea followed there .... I leaned against the police officers who thought OS-7 passing piola but were more obvious than the lies of Peter Urdemales. They were behind a heavy traffic of LSD .. . In order .... Not as I will be gone because according to I had strangers and throw away the meat on the grill because the mines were dancing to and a ton of balls from time ...

The next day, the eclipse would be the morning and as I am a lively type, I was insured and had purchased many lenses to see the eclipse ... several gift we Arica but we had plenty of one .... Its price would be the highest bidder ... so I put a pair in the eye and another on the head ... wait for customers. Faster than a premature ejaculation, there is a German and English babbling trying to ask me if he sold those lenses ... My mother looked at me intensely and said ... ... do not be black bastard .... Give it .... Ni cagando thought, so without much struggle they are sold in 20 lucas ... original price ... 250 Chilean pesos. It is cool ... It's called a "jumped the Hare" ... are we?. The thing is that after the German was cool and we talked a lot while .. (I had wanted my sister .... Unfortunately I never ventured into the white slave .. but I felt strongly tempted) The big man was nothing more and nothing less than something like an eccentric millionaire, had come to chile 1 month before and went straight to Torres del Paine, where it expected a zero miles KTM motorbike he had bought from Germany and It came from the south to northern Chile traveling around ?.... how about wanted to sell the bike in those days because then I would go to Machu Picchu. Well ... this morning I met one of my buddies deserodenados with which we became almost Tongoy owners, Sebastian Perez, a special thin unfortunately died several years ago for parties of 18 September ... The Peneka died at his law ... unhooked was always a messy ... Live Fast and Die Young .... I think that summed it all ... Sebastian ... a tremendous friend to be remembered ... but that is welcome in my blog let eternal embrace you wanted cumpa ... wherever you are ...

Guea The Eclipse is a super crazy .... First, the temperature began to drop dramatically ... in Total Eclipse, the temperature reached almost zero, ALL darkened, silent birds. People and I went crazy and began to howl like coyotes, the show certainly took my breath, the feeling of being as being insignificant in the universe, be less than zero, being part of the cosmos and of all time looking at the perfection of creation and almost automatically think GOD THERE ... this is proof that he had never met!! .... Of course that's the reason most Indian that could generate my head .... It's like all cultures, in their ignorance to see natural phenomena overwhelm you associate it with a god ... do not understand = a god there. However, for me at that moment it all made sense. Living the eclipse has been one of the most powerful experiences I lived .. it filled my soul, I am not clear why, but I felt so different from there other than on that trip I decided to start at zero and let me pelarme whiskers, interface and I still keep represents.

before returning to Santiago, we passed the casino .... I always dedicate myself to play high-level intellectual .... I pegadisimo with slot gueón game that I do not know, but I love!. Walking through the casino, decided to go to my surprise ... roulette ... German, playing roulette with the porn star .... In each game bet between 150 to 300 lucas ... .. I looked at my mother and I thought ... How ridge glasses not sold in 40 lucas? ... Well .. . That trip was amazing ... at one time or promise to post photos of the time .... Remember that digital cameras were part of a project that has not materialized in 94 so-Scan has been said ...

Greetings, Black


Saturday, September 2, 2006

Great American Co Chicago Buckle


the last week of August, laid on my shoulders the same sinister terror that must threaten the poor old people who only anticipate is that this month fag disappear soon. August 2006, one month longer than the hope of the poor and last week, a hodge-podge detestable which share only those sections that do not affect third parties.

To see that I am aplicadito, I will start the week as part

SUNDAY August 27

I do not know what the hell was trying to buy with Cristi but upon returning home I

says ... Cristi: Amor (word whose tone brings a remote control instruction) Why do not you talk to the neighbor and ask him to let you enter your home and so cut those nasty vines are invading us?.
Black: Why tennis fuck me all weekend?
Cristi: po already cost you, no lateral SEAI .... They look horrible.

The legacy of my father and grandfather did not allow me to let the "household items" such as plumbing, pruning, painting and demases are made by "masters bangs, which are pure shit, they were thrown a great time there we serve and they charge you what they can .. . Deal with that ... I prefer to leave the crap over and over again .... Total on my house!. After 5 minutes, there was a beautiful black cane (post heavy night of carnal lust bubbling with my wife), Put in tall ladder pruning. I started to pick up the branches, put them in bags and catching my neighbor has the mellow shit in the yard .... A mierdal mattresses, lamps, toys and a thousand guevara spread everywhere ... ... looking and looking, in thousands of vines had a dollhouse that my film could use Elenita. The Cristi had already made the eye several times so that when they told my neighbor .... ... I bought Compadre the doll house .... He said more gueón estai ..! TE REGALO ESA eggs ... Given that, enrrolé the puppet (my brother, a big boy gueón stamp 1.85 and wardrobe) who helped me move the playhouse as a suitcase weighing gasfiter .. . Which crumb the walk through the passage to fit it in my backyard. --- There began the curse .... Pa was the shit the house and that metal nails, metal grinding, metal polishing, Put in hours and hours of work ... after polishing paint ... I left at 11:30 AM, finished at 22:30 .... Almost without stopping ... . As for my brothers marched home, girlfriends, cuñadas, suegras, mi vecina Javiera, una chica de 15 años que está postrada en silla de ruedas con parálisis cerebral y que hemos acogido como una nueva amiga…. Ella, lo pasó la raja. Además se anexó su tonto pedazo de carne a la parrilla con choripán incluido; también llegó el Clerc con su perrita incluida a dejar una factura y uno que otro par de tallas típicas de ese desordenado con el que trabajo. Más entradita la noche mi suegro y en fín .. todos hecharon una mano… la casita quedó al 70 % … el negro… pa la corneta, y al 3 %.


Dolor de espalda, cuello, brazos y cañuelas…. but happy .... Pa I left the sticks, I joined a friend for lunch, we ate sushi and errands to do .... Type 17:00, shivering, sore jaw, fever, dizziness .... ... Thought he was intoxicated. I left to the house, as I shall state of shit that eat or drink water or simply lay down .. I had a terrible, did not sleep that night ... just fucking threw me for pain pills in that all he managed was an awful smell of piss and my stomach became chérnovil.


Black: Skinny I feel lousy pa la caga
Cristi : As a queer! Stop complaining
sucker Black: I'm pa the horn ....

I went for the stick very, very bad, I ordered my affairs, I organized my day and feeling pa history gave him and gave him. Started a carnival of e-mails of crooks ... the Wednesday test day was in danger as Andrew, the keyboardist had to work that night .... The idea ... take the test for Tuesday .... As I walked pa la caga ... EDGE BLACK, KILL THE POSTING CARE RAJA CHUNCHO ... .... And compadres, we scored all the points, night ... I wear with a crest and all swore by mail ... again at 17:00 of almost green color the house I left to go to bed earlier vomiting in the bathroom of the paste that is total decadence ... How much will Pensao gueón girl walking with cane ?. . As I am an optimist gueón, at 21:00 I thought it would be better, but I was not going to play ass .... It is the third consecutive week that failed, not because of lack of interest, health and the commitments I have played re crooked. I'm also in the baquillo of conditionals and is necessary for me to put the batteries otherwise the gap will only grow between me and the band. Simply not going to the gig, he touched the heartstrings of Cristi ... there Guea cache that was serious. Andai CAGA snap shots than NI NEGRITO YOUR WERE A Rogue Guevara!, I did not eat lunch on Monday, nor did .... But I vomited and vomited almost every night this shit.


ugliest EVO MORALES, pa I got up and left the sticks, I ate 2 crackers, I felt a lot better, so I took flight and walked many issues that were pending. I also re .... Time for lunch, I joined my team Kasilo, drummer of rogues, I asked ... I ate chicken with salad little talk about the band, that shit happened that did not attend, if there was any bad vibes and demases .... The partner Kasilo in my cache at once that the truth was more screwed up that chicken suit and no dramas with Rogue but pure bad crack ... we finished lunch ... a few blocks shivering in the batting ... .. I think I'll throw up again .... But resisted until 18:30 pm throughout the colitis was my faithful companion ---- sewing without resulted in poto limpiadita hold even a goose feathers ... from then on my flight autonomy was reduced to only 5 meter radius of the water .... That night, my wife bought PIZZA with my sister .... I decided to eat .... Buggy .... Vomiting and vomiting .... You know? The Guea was the shit .... Wanting to be throwing shit is one of the strangest sensations of life ... and it is impossible to make them together (and I checked, I have irrefutable proof!)

I chose to work at home , came Ernesto, Cuban of pa Of my house and work all day that day very well ... all in order .... All right ... I have downloaded the 3 kilos but I felt better ... just some gas SARIN own recent news events. In the afternoon my mother came walking pa la cagada of his left arm and a weak average health of a diabetes product that is hitting the door (another theme of shit that fills my head.) That night, I dared and took a couple of glasses of a delicious red wine with my black .... He could get spoiled. FRIDAY

(worst day)
In the early hits, answering and directing thousand subjects, I caught up heavy throughout the morning full concentration YEAH! I am the same again I thought. I need to finish a summary document long I'm doing, there is an issue that need support, I talked to Kasilo had material and very good, excellent complement .. chicory thanks! ... we get together for lunch, I ate livianito, we joined the PIP, then paste it pa .... Cell phone rings ....

Cristi: Where are you?
Me: po In the sticks where more and you? Cristi
: At the clinic I
: Does the clinic? (A sharp pain and nerve wadding invades me)
Cristi: Camilo crest was removed and cracked the mouth, is a plastic surgeon to cook because otherwise they may leave scars and some muscle sequelae. I
: Puta the wua! I'm coming.

camilo Arriving on a stretcher, with his mouth rotates very Keita ... I GOT A Pupitar PAPITO IN MY MOUTH ... Geez son told him ... bad luck. Do not worry, the doctor comes. Meanwhile, I told the entire procedure had been, to come to the flag, which would bake the mouth with fishing wire and a needle (laugh) and asked him to be brave when we entered the hall ... I was more nervous than cow in the slaughterhouse "... the doctor asks" Camilo you brave? .. Camilo says "I'm very brave Shi'm not going to Choral" and put in a position to take muscles (Guevara that I get to do when I dance naked in front of them haha!) .... The truth, I was surprised, Camilo looked out the entire apparatus of scissors, needles, thread, gloves and surgical arsenal that flamboyant gothic scary about him only .. impregnable it though ... it made for back and let it operate .... Only once said "mmmm hurts me ..." would be it!, Spoke to the doctor the whole operation, he explained that he felt .... Guevea outside I felt proud that the crest of it .... The doctor told me ... Camilo is amazing ... I never had this past. Leaving the Emergency, was painful minutes of waiting for the account ... without so calmly I say $ 197,200, the guevara slut face! I said .... Nobody flinched .... ING section sent me to search for BONDS, to reach the inn, the same old shit ... "NO SYSTEM", by policy'm no checkbook, the center of Santiago is the center of Santiago, in the end I went through the cashier, I turned the 2 prawns and paid ... unfortunate. It was total shit ... after

reimbursement ... Damn I sort of shit Why the fuck shit I have this week? (Literal way because fuck that shit and throw up) ... .. and brother rethink the situation, I felt so lucky my life, yeah buddy !!!!, afortunadismisimo lucky they were only a few points fucking shit and that my son had no serious illness or accident, lucky to have a job though I walk half silver shit have the means to pay 200 lucas How many goats are shit poor and scarred for life for a whack like that? How much more shit that people go around the ridge from hospital to hospital begging for your health and your life?. And I very gueón here in a private clinic pajeándose head for a week with diarrhea and fever! I took the camilo

make ice cream and spoiled, turned to think is this week and again I felt shit gueón ¡!!... now I'm here, enjoying with my son Sanit, my beautiful wife with a coffee in the past local cuica nice car I have trouble convincing me that .... the truth is I have a fucking problem, just a queer head trying to convince me pass Guevara bad. " I got home, I checked some policies of accident and life insurance .. automaquinarme started again ... I thought to hell! .... I changed clothes, grabbed the car, my black seemed richer than the peak, we pick the keka, we went where ET came Kasilo, cat, Paulina ... .. We take our appetizers of rigor, his silly red and ourselves a bellyful of thriller, many carving re good, some plans and a thousand things ¡!!.... Late at night when I came back my head again ... but this time plotting a large, in excellent condition and tuned ... CHAO GUEONA WEEK ... YOU TAKE THE DEVIL! ... ..
